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Move your bank

let's do as they wish

Get your cash back -- Move your bank

It is time to let the “too big to fail” banks know that they do not have the final say. They can buy our politicians, they can generate fraudulent mortgage documents, they can buy legal protection against prosecution, but they have no defense against the combined economic might of the people!


The big banks have been draining our economy, placing their profits in off shore accounts, not paying their fair share in taxes, financing the shipping of our jobs overseas, getting government bailouts, and paying their executive HUGE bonuses. They take the money they make in your community and ship it out impoverishing your community.

A local bank or credit union will invest in your communities, pay taxes in your communities and make it a better to place to live.

Time to send these Wall Street criminals a message!

Stop paying a 3% bank tax on all credit card transactions.

Stop shopping at the big chain stores. Patronize your local merchants.

  1. Jamie Dimon wannabe
    November 29, 2011 at 11:38 AM

    Please do not move from Chase.

    Just because I gave the NYPD over 6 million dollars in computers as my way of saying thank you for breaking the heads of the Occupy Wall St protestors, that is no reason to put my bonuses at risk.

    Just because we had robosigners to create fraudulent mortgage documents so we could throw families into the streets is no reason to put my bonuses at risk.

    Just becasue we have made billions form the government while we administer the food stamp program, take bailout money, gamble in derivatives is no reason to put my bonus at risk.

    Just becasue we caused the economy to collapse becasue of our greed is no reason to put my bonus at risk.

    Please do not move from Chase.

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